Wednesday, January 12, 2011


They say here in these parts that only about 4 men got rich out of the hundreds of thousands miners.

Yeah! NOME! Ron & Miss Jan with the Van picked me up, She took us to a good old fashioned heart stopping cafe and I ate biscuits and gravy and DIET COKE!! Woo Hoo, the best breakfast I ever had. Miss Jan was kind enough to bring Ron to Nome and pick me up. And they were kind enough to include a sweatshirt because I was wearing a short sleeved t shirt, thin knit pants and loafers, no socks. Not a smart Alaska fashion choice.
Then we piled in the famous Jan Van and began our tour.
Nome is different than I had pictured it in my head, So most of you must know that I am camera happy and took several hundred pictures. Here are some of Nome itself, then the journey. The most beautiful journey. My thanks to Miss Jan. The most patient person I have met. She let me take my time taking pictures, and let me tell you, that was patience.

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